
the Sharp-shinned Hawk

Rey is a Sharp-shinned Hawk who joined our education team in 2020. She was only a nestling when she was brought in as a patient – her nest had been sprayed over with a pesticide, which was a neurotoxin. She is the lone survivor of her entire nest, but the poisoning left her with cognitive delays. This alters her behavior and she no longer behaves like a Sharp-shinned Hawk, which would be troublesome if she were to be released.

Did you know?

Sharp-shinned hawks are Accipiter hawks, which are different from Buteo hawks (like Red-tailed Hawks)! These birds have shorter wingspans, longer tails, and fly with a distinct flap-flap-glide pattern. Their eyes are blue when they hatch, but turn orange and eventually red as they mature.

You can support Rey by symbolically adopting her!