
the American Kestrel

Benji is an American Kestrel who joined our education team in 2013. Benji was found as a nestling and raised by a family. When they learned that it was illegal to keep and raise wild birds without special permits, he was brought to REGI. There was nothing physically wrong with Benji, but he is imprinted on humans - he identifies with us rather than other American Kestrels. Being released into the wild would be dangerous for Benji, as he never learned how to behave like an American Kestrel should.

Did you know?

American Kestrels are one of few raptors that have sexual dichromatism, which is a difference in color between the sexes! Males have bluish gray wings, spotted chests, and a single band at the tip of their tails. Females have rufous red wings, streaked chests, and multiple bands going down the length of their tails.

You can support Benji by symbolically adopting him!